Sunday, February 19, 2017


The first incident that came to my mind when thinking about gun violence as a result of violent movies or video games was the Colorado movie theatre shooter, James Holmes. He openly fired in a movie theatre killing twelve people during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. According to ABC News, Holmes said, “I am the Joker,” when he was arrested (

Upon further research, I stumbled upon a site that had plenty of video game-related crimes listed. There was one instance where a teenager named Devin Moore, who was a big fan of the video game Grand Theft Auto, was brought to a police station on suspicion of stealing a car. He then got hold of a gun and shot two officers and a 911 dispatcher. Stealing cars and shooting police officers definitely seems like a Grand Theft Auto inspired crime to me (

The first part of the video from the link below discusses Devin Moore's crimes, as well as other video game related acts of violence.
Video Game Violence

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